MITRE Deepens its Commitment to Veterans
The MITRE Corporation
Bedford, Mass., January 20, 2015 – MITRE recently participated in the Massachusetts High Technology Council’s (MHTC) annual meeting, which included the launch of the New England Tech Vets initiative and—a new program that connects military service members and veterans with jobs in New England and across the United States.
MITRE continues to support a related program, the NVTC Veterans Employment Initiative, run by the Northern Virginia Technology Council (NVTC), or, which launched in 2013. Both programs operate a website powered by in conjunction with And each initiative has the same goals—to support veteran hiring and retention by providing tools and resources to match them with jobs, internships, mentorships and certifications, helping them translate their skills to a civilian workforce, and providing them with access to thousands of job opportunities.
“Supporting veteran hiring and retention initiatives is a great way for MITRE to give back to those who dedicate themselves to serving our nation,” said Gabriel Galvan, the Center for Veterans Enterprise Modernization (CVET) portfolio director within the Center for Enterprise Modernization (CEM) FFRDC. “Veterans are innovative problem-solvers. We are proud to work with industry, academia and state/federal government to educate the business community on why hiring veterans is a good business practice.”
The event also offered attendees the opportunity to connect with Boston-area MHTC member organizations, representing industry, non-profits and academia. Pete Sherlock, senior vice president and director of Bedford Operations, recently joined MHTC’s board of directors, and is looking forward to forging a strong partnership with its members in support of his Bedford development strategy.
“One of our goals is to strengthen our ties to the New England region,” Sherlock said. “We want to find new ways to collaborate with local companies and academia—whether to find partnerships or technology transfer potentials—and we think MHTC provides important opportunities to do that.”
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